Webinar, Seminar, Workshop, Symposium, Conference – Sasikumar Talks

Here’s a table comparing the terms Webinar, Seminar, Workshop, Symposium, and Conference:

TermDefinitionPurposeKey Features
WebinarAn online seminar conducted over the internet.Sharing information or training remotely.Virtual, interactive tools (e.g., chat, Q&A), cost-effective.
SeminarA meeting for discussion or training on a specific subject.Educational or informational sessions.Small to medium group size, expert-led discussions.
WorkshopA hands-on training session focused on skill-building or practical application.Teaching and practicing specific skills or methods.Interactive, task-focused, participatory learning.
SymposiumA formal meeting where experts present on a particular topic, often research-focused.Sharing and discussing scholarly or specialized information.Expert presentations, academic in nature, may involve panel discussions.
ConferenceA large formal gathering for discussions, presentations, and networking on broad or specialized topics.Sharing knowledge, networking, and collaboration among professionals.Multiple sessions, keynote speakers, diverse audience, often includes networking opportunities.