SEO Class 4.2: Open Graph Meta Tags. “Content Sharing with OG Meta Tags” Sasikumar Talks (in Tamil).

Hi friends, vanakkam! Today, I want to share with you the steps to create and implement Open Graph meta tags:

Open Graph meta tags are a way to provide information about a webpage to social media platforms and other websites. These tags help to optimize how your content is displayed when shared on social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. By using Open Graph tags, you can improve the appearance and click-through rates of your shared content. Here are the steps to create and implement Open Graph meta tags:

(1) Choose the essential tags: There are several Open Graph tags available, but the most important ones are og:title, og:description, og:image, and og:url. These tags control the title, description, image, and URL displayed when your content is shared.

(2) Define the tag structure: Open Graph tags should be placed within the “head” section of your HTML document. The tags have a specific format: “meta property=’og:tag_name’ content=’tag_value’”.

(3) Set the title: The og:title tag defines the title of your content. Ensure that your title is descriptive and engaging to encourage click-throughs. Example: “meta property=’og:title’ content=’Creating an Engaging Company Profile’”.

(4) Add a description: The og:description tag provides a brief summary of your content. Keep it concise and informative to give users an idea of what they can expect when clicking the link. Example: “meta property=’og:description’ content=’Learn how to create a visually appealing and informative company profile with our step-by-step guide.’”

(5) Select an image: The og:image tag specifies the image that will be displayed alongside your content when shared. Choose a high-quality, relevant image that accurately represents your content. Example: “meta property=’og:image’ content=’…”.

(6) Define the URL: The og:url tag sets the canonical URL for your content. This helps avoid duplicate content issues and ensures that all shares point to the same URL. Example: “meta property=’og:url’ content=’…”.

(7) Include additional tags (optional): Depending on your needs, you can also include other Open Graph tags like og:type, og:site_name, and og:locale. These tags provide additional information about your content, website, and language settings.

(8) Validate your tags: After implementing Open Graph tags, use a validation tool like the Facebook Debugger or the LinkedIn Post Inspector to check if your tags are working correctly. These tools will identify any errors or issues with your tags.

(9) Monitor performance: Keep track of how your content performs on social media platforms to see the impact of Open Graph tags. Use analytics tools to measure click-through rates, impressions, and other engagement metrics.

Let me guide you through creating Twitter Cards for YouTube videos. Choose the Player Card type and add essential tags like title, description, image, and player URL. Place the tags in the “head” section of your HTML document. Use a descriptive title and a concise description. Select a high-quality image for the thumbnail. Add the YouTube embed URL for your video. Optionally, include extra tags for your website and content creator. Validate your tags with the Twitter Card Validator and monitor your content’s performance on Twitter. Note: YouTube descriptions don’t accept HTML tags; add these tags to your website or blog where your video is embedded.