Keyword match types (Tamil) – Google ads Tamil. Sasikumar Talks Broad, “Phrase” and [Exact]

Keyword match types determine how closely a keyword must match a user’s search query to trigger an ad. There are three main types:

Broad Match: This is the most inclusive option, allowing your ads to appear on a wide variety of related searches, including synonyms or variations of your keywords.

Phrase Match: Ads appear for searches that include the meaning of your keyword phrase, allowing for slight variations or additional words before or after the phrase.

Exact Match: The most restrictive option, ads only appear when the search query exactly matches the keyword or is a close variant, such as a misspelling.

Broader match types capture all the queries of narrower match types. For example, a broad match keyword will include searches covered by both phrase and exact match types, plus additional related queries. This consolidation allows for fewer keywords to be repeated across match types while still capturing a broad range of searches.