Google Tag Manager Terminology in Tamil – Sasikumar Talks #SasikumarTalks

  1. Initialization
    Initialization: This refers to the setup and loading of GTM on your website. GTM is initialized by adding the GTM container snippet to your website’s code, which loads the GTM container and its contents.

Consent Initialization: This is a specific type of initialization where GTM loads and initializes tags based on user consent preferences, often related to privacy laws such as GDPR.

  1. Data Layer
    Data Layer: A JavaScript object that passes information from your website to GTM. It acts as a communication layer between your website and GTM, where you can push events and data to be used by GTM.
  2. Variables
    Variables: Used to store information that GTM can use to populate tags, triggers, and other configurations. Variables can be built-in (e.g., Page URL, Referrer) or user-defined (e.g., Custom JavaScript, Data Layer Variables).
  3. Tags
    Tags: Code snippets that GTM manages and deploys on your website. Tags can be used for various purposes, such as tracking user behavior, sending data to analytics platforms, or running marketing campaigns. Common tag types include Google Analytics, Google Ads, and custom HTML tags.
  4. Triggers
    Triggers: Conditions that define when and where tags should be fired. Triggers can be set based on various criteria, such as page views, clicks, form submissions, or custom events.
  5. Events and Event Parameters
    Events: Actions or occurrences on your website that you want to track. Events can be automatically captured by GTM or manually pushed to the data layer.

Event Parameters: Additional information sent with events to provide more context. These parameters can include details like the type of event, user actions, and other relevant data.

Dome Ready Event Parameters: Specific event parameters that indicate when the DOM (Document Object Model) is fully loaded and ready. This is often used to ensure that tags and scripts run only when the webpage content is fully available.

E One (E1): A specific event or a shorthand notation for a particular type of event in GTM configurations. It might represent a custom or predefined event in your GTM setup.

Event Type Attributes or Properties: Characteristics or attributes associated with an event that provide more details about the event, such as its category, action, label, and value.

  1. Windows Loaded
    Windows Loaded: A state or event indicating that the entire webpage, including all dependent resources (like images and scripts), has completely loaded. This is often used as a trigger point for certain tags to ensure they fire only when the page is fully loaded.
  2. Classes and IDs
    Classes: CSS classes used to style HTML elements. In GTM, classes can be used in triggers to specify which elements should be tracked (e.g., track clicks on elements with a specific class).

IDs: Unique identifiers assigned to HTML elements. Similar to classes, IDs can be used in GTM triggers to track interactions with specific elements on the page.

Putting it All Together
Initialization: Set up GTM on your website with the container snippet.
Consent Initialization: Configure GTM to load based on user consent preferences.
Data Layer: Use the data layer to push information and events to GTM.
Variables: Define variables to store and use information in tags and triggers.
Tags: Create and configure tags to track user interactions and send data to analytics platforms.
Triggers: Set up triggers to determine when tags should fire based on specific events.
Events and Event Parameters: Track various events and their parameters to gather detailed insights.
Windows Loaded: Ensure certain tags only fire when the page is fully loaded.
Classes and IDs: Use classes and IDs in triggers to track interactions with specific elements.
This structured approach helps you understand how each component in GTM works together to track and manage user interactions on your website.