Google Tag Manager (in Tamil) – Sasikumar Talks (Tags, Triggers, Variables and Data Layer)

Tags are little pieces of code that do specific jobs on your website. Think of them like tiny helpers. Here are some examples:

Google Analytics Tag: This helper tells you how many people visit your website, what pages they look at, and how long they stay.

AdWords Conversion Tag: This helper tells you if someone bought something on your site after clicking on your Google ad.

Facebook Pixel: This helper tracks who visits your site from Facebook and helps you show ads to people who have already visited your site.

Triggers tell your tags when to do their job. They are like instructions for when these helpers should start working. Here’s how they work:

Page View Trigger: This trigger tells a tag to start working as soon as someone lands on a page.
Example: You want to know how many people visit your homepage, so you set a trigger that fires the Google Analytics Tag every time the homepage loads.

Click Trigger: This trigger tells a tag to start working when someone clicks a specific button.
Example: You want to know how many people click the “Buy Now” button, so you set a trigger that fires the AdWords Conversion Tag when that button is clicked.

Form Submission Trigger: This trigger tells a tag to start working when someone submits a form.
Example: You want to track how many people sign up for your newsletter, so you set a trigger that fires a tag when the signup form is submitted.

Variables are like pieces of information that your tags and triggers can use. They help your tags do their job more effectively. Think of them as details your helpers need to know.

Built-in Variables: These are ready-made pieces of information that GTM provides.
Example: The URL of the page someone is visiting.
User-defined Variables: These are custom pieces of information you create.
Example: A variable that holds the value of a user’s purchase total.

Data Layer
The Data Layer is like a storage area where your website can keep important information that your tags might need. Think of it as a big basket where all the details are kept until your helpers need them.

Data Layer Push: This is how you add information to the Data Layer.
Example: When a user adds an item to their cart, you push information about that item (like the product name and price) to the Data Layer.

Putting It All Together
Let’s say you own an online store, and you want to track how many people add “Running Shoes” to their cart and then complete the purchase.

Tag: You use a Google Analytics Tag to track the event.
Trigger: You create a trigger that fires this tag when someone adds an item to their cart.
Variable: You use a variable to capture the product name and price.
Data Layer: You push the product details to the Data Layer when the “Add to Cart” button is clicked.
By combining these elements, you can gather detailed information about how users interact with your site and make more informed decisions to improve their experience.